Sheila Judge

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why past life therapy?

The most likely time we look for relief and treatment is when something terrible has happened in our lifetime. Going back—regressing—to that event with the help of NRT will be vital to its healing. And sometimes that is all that is needed, especially if it is a single event or situation.

However, what usually becomes apparent is that the trauma we experience in this life is linked to events in other lifetimes. A pattern of similar experiencing has been created over time. So deep healing is more likely to occur when all of the various sources of present-day suffering are discovered and addressed. And these may be related in such a way that more than one regression will be needed to unwind the complicated facets of this pattern of injury or way of relationship.

a scientific approach to past lives

When the idea of going through lifetime after lifetime on earth doesn’t sit well, one way to understand this may be to call on our knowledge of quantum physics and theories of time—theories that are evolving with our expanding explorations of our universe. 

I remember when I thought time followed itself from a distinctive past moment to the present and then into the future. Yet even then, that simple line didn’t account for how we experience days as rather endless when we are children, yet time seems to fly by in our later decades.

Then came the concept of time as a web—a broader, interactive metaphor where one action sets a strand of time vibrating across the years, yet in the same moment. You know: like the sci-fi movie scenario where the act of time travelers stepping on a butterfly in the Stone Age wreaks sudden havoc in the far future.

But though science fiction classics may have presaged the ideas, our technology now reveals space folds and wormholes and black holes. We have just barely acknowledged the vastness of dark space. A cosmos of universes is complicated beyond our grasp, whether we are talking about expanding into the stars, or shrinking down to vibrant activities barely able to be measured. One of the basic views of quantum theory, that everything that has happened is happening all at once, is amazing. The orderly diagrams of atoms and planets from elementary school are nothing like the chaos, uncertainty, and beauty of the makeup of our surrounds. 

From what appears to be chaos, however, emerge endless possibilities of time, space, and what we perceive as reality. This includes reaching into and across our own timelines, our storehouse of experiencing, to recapture under guidance what is needed to heal some very old wounds.

a spiritual approach to past lives

Another way to understand why past life therapy is useful is through a spiritual outlook that embraces eternal life, belief in reincarnation, or some concept that there is something after our time on this planet.

There are many world religions that are united in a belief that a human soul spends more than one lifetime on earth, even though so many other religious concepts or dogmas distinguish one religion, or even one sect of that same religion, from another. 

From the perspective of reincarnation, it is not hard to see that a pattern of being drawn into certain kinds of relationships might extend beyond the possible encounters found in this one lifetime, and instead be played out across time. Then working in NRT would provide a way to stop a fear-based cycle from repeating itself without relief. Going back in time to where trauma created a current physical symptom might mean going to one’s childhood—or farther back to a lifetime where the feelings around a serious accident or loss, for example, are expressed now in that part of the body.

Having the spiritual awareness that there is an afterlife, or believing in the existence and assistance of saints and angels who guide and protect those incarnated on earth, can make it easier to take the next step in being open to participating more fully in other, more metaphysical ways of being.

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The bottom line: no belief system—spiritual or scientific—is necessary in order to experience the healing effects of this type of regression therapy. Like so many of the things briefly mentioned above, the fact that we cannot understand a thing does not prevent its happening around us—including when the process means our longstanding difficulties are finally being addressed.